Boundary Waters Forest Management Corp.
BWFMC - About
BWFMC - Audits
BWFMC - Shareholders
BWFMC - Loggers
BWFMC - Other
BWFMC - Contact Us
Contact Us

RR#2, Site 210-10
443 Sand Bay Road
Fort Frances, ON  P9A 3M3


BWFMC has a highly experienced, full-time forest management team responsible for the day-to-day business management and for ensuring that it meets its forest management obligations to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.
Office Hours (Monday to Friday)
Apr 1st to Sep 30th     8:00am-Noon, 1:00pm-4:30pm (Central Time)
Oct 1st to Mar 31st     8:00am-Noon, 1:00pm-5:00pm (Central Time)
We encourage everyone to drop by for a visit, but we do go to the forest often, have meeting elsewhere, or just take some time off. With our small staff you may want to call first to verify we will be here, especially if you are coming from afar.

Ian Armstrong, R.P.F.
General Manager

W: 807-274-9877 ext. 0
C: 807-627-8214 (preferred)

Ian is the General Manager for Boundary Waters Forest Management Corp.   He is responsible for overseeing management of the Boundary Waters Forest, including forest management planning, forest renewal and represents BWFMC with Government and other organization. Ian is a Registered Professional Forester in Ontario.
Mike Shute
Operations Forester
C: 807-271-6476
Mike is the Roads Superintendent responsible for forest access construction and maintenance program.
Michael Willick R.P.F.

C: 807-629-4581
Michael is the current President of BWFMC. He ensures all Shareholders are represented at Board of Director meetings, and oversees the management of Boundary Waters Forest Management Corp.

Copyright - Boundary Waters Forest Management Corp.
All Rights Reserved